Why Do You Need a Website in 2022 to Upscale Business?
With the year-end comes the season of New Year
Resolution, calling it a season because people are so used to picking up
resolutions only at this time in the entire bunch of 365 days. The excitement
of making a New Year Resolution is never out of fashion, many of us have done
this; taking the resolution of going to the gym every day, working out every
day, maintaining a diary, quitting bad habits during the year and so on…
But, the idea of
taking resolution for your business - never struck the mind; right? It sounds
different and difficult both! The case is different. We suggest you take a New
Year resolution for Business; Say, Owning a Business Website.
Why stressing over
owning a website will be cleared from these statistics, 81% of people research
a business or service on the internet before making a purchase decision. That’s
25.92 million people searching for businesses online. This makes it obvious
that your target audience will get restricted to the remaining 19% of people
who aren't dependent on the website. [1]
A website was
initially an optional feature for business but with a global audience in mind
it is now a necessity. Especially to step into 2022 with a bang on the progress
line, you'll need a website that works as a client magnet.
Let's look into few highly convincing reasons to own a
Reason1 : Virtual Credibility
If asked, while on
vacation in Canada, would you like to see your hotel or resort before actually
landing there? Your immediate reply would be Yes, and the next thing a person
does is Google out the property, checking reviews and images. Now if we say,
the particular property you are looking for has no website and no images on Google.
Will you still be interested in booking?
Website Development
Canada is a source of building virtual credibility, people who have never
visited your business offline or who don't know you and are trading with you
online will highly depend on your website to know and ensure that you are
genuine and so your business is.
Reason 2: Strong Communicating Link
Do you remember the
date of the Christmas sale on Amazon?
No... Right?
But as soon as you open its website, the banner text will remind you of the Christmas Sale! Works as the best reminder without actually looking like a sales approach. Web design works like a wonder, You can take some great references for Web Design Canada.
That's how effortlessly you can communicate your brand offers or voice to the audience without giving them a feeling that you are constantly marketing it to them. Simple Yet Effective.
Reason 3: Stand Out of the Competition
Monopoly businesses are rare to find. Every business has cutthroat competition but with website & website design Canada you can at least step ahead in the competition. For instance, you can add elements on a website that makes a person want your product like great feedback, a 3D or virtual reality display of your business and many such elements that upscale your rank as compared to your competitor.
Reason 4: Highest ROI
Say, you spend
$1000-2500 for Website Development Canada. Isn't it possible you cover the cost
of the website fetching two genuine buyers/clients/customers for you? It is
quite possible right!
Now imagine the same
website fetching 50 clients for you! Yes, that broad smile on your face can
last longer. As it is possible and practical. There are about 228 million Google
searches per hour, awestruck?[2]
The bottom line is The Price of Being Left Behind Is A Lot More Than Having a Website!
[1]Do you need a Website? Here's 5 Reasons
which point to Yes. (beamlocal.com)
[2] https://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiHp6yAi9b0AhUYO3AKHQy7CzsQFnoECAMQAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fskai.io%2Fmonday-morning-metrics-daily-searches-on-google-and-other-google-facts%2F%23%3A~%3Atext%3DHow%2520many%2520searches%2520are%2520there%2C2%2520trillion%2520searches%2520per%2520year!&usg=AOvVaw0Fjw4CjQFyvKnpGWX9mfrZ
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